ELKO Grupa
Kā nokļūt līdz observatorijai (Small)

Tartu observatorijas Kosmosa tehnoloģiju semināri

Publicēts: 5.10.2022

Tartu universitātes Tartu observatorijas rīko tiešsaistes priekšlasījumus par dažādām ar astronomiju un kosmonautiku saistītām tēmām. Pasākumi ir brīvpieejas.

We are continuing our seminar series for the semester on Wednesday, May 31 at 16:15 EEST. The talk will be given by Hans Teras (UT Tartu Observatory).

Topic: ULYSSES - tools for future Lunar rover and lander mission simulations: status and future roadmap

It is clear that the future of robotic exploration lies in the increased automation of both mission planning as well as operations. The development of optical navigation, pathfinding and mission planning software is largely hindered by the lack of available data for the real environments the rovers must operate in. The creation of sufficiently large scale analog sites on Earth is prohibitive under cost and time constraints. During this seminar, the current status and future roadmap towards the continued development of ULYSSES, Tartu Observatory's Unreal Engine 5 based simulator, are presented and discussed. With the advent of next generation game engines incorporating lightweight and accurate real-time physics solvers, ray tracing and rendering modules, we can turn to the digital production of the necessary data sets needed to reach new heights in autonomous rover operations well in advance of landing on an extra-terrestrial surface.

Please join the meeting using the following link.
Meeting ID: 925 4602 3702
Passcode: 180983

The seminar series is public. Feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues. Please sign up for announcements of upcoming seminars here: https://forms.gle/NiTQWGZQ2FXUtTA89

Upcoming Seminar:

  • June 7, Andris Slavinskis (UT Tartu Observatory) : Electric Sail Test Cube III: ESTCube-3 solar wind demonstration

UT Tartu Observatory


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