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Īsfilma "Wanderers"

PostPosted: 02 Dec 2014, 10:14
by x-f

Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea with the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.

Galerija ar filmas skatiem un aprakstiem -

Re: Īsfilma "Wanderers"

PostPosted: 02 Aug 2016, 14:24
by sarmuha
Laba filma, nezinu kā, bet biju palaidis garām un tikai tagad noskatījos!!

Re: Īsfilma "Wanderers"

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2016, 16:36
by nelabojams
Jautājums par titulbildi: no kuras puses spīd saule?

Re: Īsfilma "Wanderers"

PostPosted: 04 Aug 2016, 22:47
by Ortsa
wow! skaisti! :shock:
Par titulbildi iskatās ka tā ir atstarotā no jupītera saules gaisma)) (jā jā, it kā bez mana komentāra tas nav saprotams :D )