Any one who speaks English

Jūsu teleskopu sludinājumi

Postby Julio » 29 Mar 2007, 19:02


I visited that dealer today (first half of my semminar was absolutely boring :? ). Wasn't easy to find them, but it was worth visiting. Quite small place just packed with all kind of stuff. They're looked quite flexible on pricing (offered cometitive pricing, but only when I asked about it :lol: )..

Now about the scopes - I've looked at Megrez, at SE series... and decided to go for WO Megrez. I know that aperture rules, but qality rules for me even more. Happy with my decision, dreaming about stuff I will see trough my shiny spyglas I've got call from my boss calling back to mother land, Rome.

So, no scope for me, no dark skies anymore, and no silly questions to you guys anymore :cry:

Any way thanx to all of you, being such kind with me, and for your ansvers. Maybe see you some day again.

Bye, and good luck hunting new stars

Julio Timoretto
Posts: 6
Joined: 20 Mar 2007, 00:12

Postby hmmzis » 30 Mar 2007, 08:49

Thanks Julio, it was fun chatting with you! :)
Shall the Megrez serve you good (whenever you get it)! :) I'm shure it will give some fantastic views, even from light polluted Rome, but hey! you have there some mountains (Apenins) and the Megrez is also good as a grab-n'-go scope ;)

Bye, see you around some time again!

Baltais punduris
Baltais punduris
Posts: 209
Joined: 16 Dec 2008, 19:57


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